"New State. New City. New Career. New Home. NEW LIFE"

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Silent Finale

Hey all,

I suppose it's good I've not been keeping up with the blog. With circumstances changing, this one's coming to a very hard end. Perhaps one day soon we'll start another story to keep up with? Who knows.

Here's some sweet ways to end our story:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's Fall!

It's Fall! FALL! Mommy's FAVORITE time of the year! Pumpkin Pie! Fires in the fireplace! Fall scented fragrances for our home!

Except for the allergies... and the sore throats... and the nausea... and some very intense smells... inside and out of our home...

We've had Fall like weather since... oh... May. Yes, I know, my Okie friends, you're quite jealous! How many times must I say "Come visit!"??

Intense smells... there's been an interesting, nauseating smell of musty mold coming from the sinks, bathtub and faucets in and outside of my home. Come to find out, we're still recovering from the Little Bear fire a couple months ago. The city's water resources are having to rely upon the rain, and it could take up to 7 years for the reservoir to recover.

Then there's the pine trees... they attract spiders. We've had Fall weather and spiders galore this year. The race track is down the road from us, so we've had horse smells and flies this summer. Now that it's genuinely entering Fall, the flies have disappeared, and the horse smell is dissolving. The spiders are a different story!
Oh and the SNAILS!!
They're everywhere! All sizes! Beautiful little creatures, which created a learning experience for Fi.

Fiona had her first day of school.
She wore leggings under her skirt! All those summer outfits seem just too cold now! It rains practically every day, sometime between Noon and 5pm, for at least an hour. Brings out those Fall smells of Mountain Pine Tree, Firewood burning, and last minute summer BBQs.

As we enter this changing seasons period, I find some peace in the transitions. We've had some upsets in our daily lives lately, but this has only brought me deeper into the arms of God.

Fall brings memories of transitions to mind, many transitions in my life: becoming another year older, celebrating another year of marriage, and losses such as my miscarriages, the loss of my childhood friend and pet- Sedro almost 11 years ago. I can also see the joys we've accomplished- my beautiful mess of a daughter, now 4 years old; Another year of  school for both Fi and myself; A new job; another year of Ryan's career in progress.

Fall brings surprises, new life, new adventures. Perhaps, this Fall holds one more surprise for my tiny family.

Our thoughts are on each of you, as you read this. What are some of your favorite things about Fall?