"New State. New City. New Career. New Home. NEW LIFE"

Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Beginnings

Yesterday morning, I took the test that changed our lives from this point on. We are expecting a new addition to our family. Both a surprise and an excitement to our lives! So I am on the hunt for a doctor...

 Which brings me to the next reason for starting this blog. June 21st, 2010 began our grandest of adventures yet. My husband, Ryan, started his career as a police officer for the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Mescalero, New Mexico. So June 18th, we packed our belongings, spent some time with our friends Roger and Rachel, and slept our last night in the apartment. The next day we watched everything get packed up into the truck to be shipped to Albuquerque. We did our final sweep of the apartment, I took our pets to their respective temporary homes, and we went to spend one last night with family. The next morning, we began our trek to New Mexico.

As we entered New Mexico, my car informed us we had reached a scorching 110 degrees, but with my windows open, it felt dry. Nothing like the muggy heat in Oklahoma! So it was 110? Didn't feel like it to me! We had our adventures through the trip... Fiona had a carseat change and 3 outfit changes.
That was an interesting 12 hour drive. As we reached our destination, and got into the hotel, we were exhausted. It was so dark, and we didn't really see our surroundings. The next morning we woke to this:
Beautiful! A sweet 108 degrees too.... then we went for a drive from Alamogordo where our hotel was, to Mescalero and Ruidoso.
 And a wonderful, beautiful breezy 75 degrees! Soon, Ryan's job moved us to Mescalero, so we're living this beautiful temperature every day! The nights are a bit on the cold side, though.

So then July 12th, Ryan began his training in the academy in Artesia, New Mexico while Fiona and I stayed behind in Mescalero. We are currently looking for a home, and a good thing too... for we have a new addition to expect now! I'll post more as I can. For now, prayers are very much welcome!

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